Friday, August 23, 2013

Get Free Kindle Books on Free Ebooks Daily

Get Free Kindle Books Daily, just go to Glenn Langohr's facebook page and message him here~ It is Free to join and he has the best books on Kindle featured all the time!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Glenn Langohr's Real Life Prison Book Character Damien: Edits for Drug War Documentary

This is Damien, One of the Characters in Many of Glenn Langohr's 11 Prison Books. Check Out His Books in Print, Kindle or Audio Book Here~ If you believe in Redemption please Buy, Share and Review His Books. God Bless You!

The Art of War: A Prison Memoir, is Glenn Langohr's newest book. It is in the top 10 in Criminology on Amazon for kindle. Join his Facebook page for a Free copy.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Prison Riot 4 Minute Movie Adapted From Glenn Langohr's Book, Caught in the Crossfire

Glenn Langohr Spent 10 Years in Prison With 4 Years in Solitary Before Becoming a Best Selling Author of 11 Books Found Here~ in Print, Kindle or Audio book to Listen to in the car. Please Buy, Share and Review His Books if You Believe in Redemption and Want to SEE the Real. God Bless You.

To Purchase Caught in the CrossFire for Kindle or Audio Book go here~

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Best Selling Author Glenn Langohr Speaks About How a Prison Guard Helped Inmates Stab a Child Molester

Best Selling Author Glenn Langohr Speaks About How a Prison Guard Helped Inmates Stab a Child Molester. In Glenn Langohr's newest prison book, "The Art of War: A Prison Memoir", Glenn Langohr explains how a prison guard gave inmates the court paperwork that showed an inmate had 44 counts of Child Molestation, then looked the other way while the inmates slashed the child molesters face on the yard. Langohr also explains how the prison guards get paid time and a half while the yard is on lock down for riots and stabbing incidents for Hazard Pay. You can purchase his newest book here~ All 11 of Glenn Langohr's Drug War and Prison Thrillers can be found in Print, Kindle and Audio Book here~

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Glenn Langohr's Speaks About His Drug War and Prison Redemption Channel and Books

Glenn Langohr's Speaks About His Drug War and Prison Redemption Channel and Books. Glenn Langohr is adapting his books for TV and Movie Production. Check out his Youtube Subscription video and be sure to buy, review and share his books if you believe in Redemption!

Also, join his Facebook Family by friending him and get free copies of his books in Kindle format. All of his books are available in Print and Audio Book as well so just type that into the search bar to locate.  Glenn Langohr's Facebook~

Glenn Langohr's Newest Prison Thriller is "The Art of War: A Memoir" found here~

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Another Powerful Review for the Prison Book Underdog by Glenn Langohr

Underdog by Glenn Langohr is a Prison Memoir that shines a light on the current California Prisoner Developed Hunger Strike over Solitary Confinement.

It follows a prison riot over an out of control drug debt between the White inmates and the Mexican inmates and shows how the Prison Officials guess at who started the riot. Those inmates are sent to Solitary Confinement without a court system to overlook the process on a system that never lets you out to see the sun again. Purchase Underdog in Print, Kindle or Audio Book here~ Consider sending it to a prisoner to inspire hope.

Here's the review: UNDERDOG is the real Deal!, August 9, 2013
This review is from: UNDERDOG, A True Crime Thriller of Prison Life: Prison Killers 4 (Volume 4) (Paperback)
As I move towards middle age, I have become more and more perplexed with the world that I live in.

A world that from the start of my youth began as a crystal clear vision of harmony, peace and love that was shown to me from the folks that I grew up with - the friends and family who showed me a much simpler and easier way of life but in truth, represented a shield of sorts that sheltered me from the realties of what it meant to grow up poor & from humble beginnings that for the most part, confused me because I grew up thinking in terms of black and white all the while not realizing that a multitude of grey existence lay waiting for thousands and thousands of young men and women that would soon face the reality I now come to understand as the American Prison System.

"UNDERDOG, A True Crime Thriller of Prison Life: Prison Killers 4", written by Glen Thomas Langohr presents a visceral description of that world and what it takes to survive. This book is far from fiction but rather a direct personal experience of the Author who spend over ten years in the State of California Prison System.

Without giving away too much detail, what I can say about the book is that it hits you right in the gut as you read for example about the politics, the gang wars and most horrific of all, solitary life in a Super Max Prison where inmates can literally spend DECADES in solitary confinement, most often at the hands of corrupt Correctional Officers who are motivated by the prison's financial gain as the prisons that are being built require more and more bodies to fill them.

The author also speaks on the Hunger Strikes that are now taking place across the prisons in California in protest of the horrible conditions that the inmates face in addition to having no limit as to how much time an inmate can serve in solitary confinement of which in my view is inhuman, barbaric and straight out evil.

America is most often referred to as a Civilized country but yet our prisons reflect a different reality of which decency and respect is absent and in its place is indifference, human slavery and the supported and sanctioned racism of which prisoners are then divided up by race . . and region.

Though I am fully aware of the Author's established faith of which through his higher power, he has managed to completely turn his life around, I can't help but feel that as long as *MONEY* is involved which drives the passing of laws designed to incarcerate, the building of new prisons regardless of type (Federal, State and Private) in addition to the failed war on drugs which continues to lock good people up by the thousands, we will continue to see the rise of the Private Prison Industry of which already, outfits like Corrections Corporation of America (currently trading at $34/share), are lobbying at the halls of Congress more than they ever have before. This all ties in of course to the militarization of the police and the emerging police state that will soon turn this country into one gigantic prison.

Will we see sanity and true prison reform take place in this country? I'm highly doubtful but until that day comes, we must look to Good Men like Glen Langohr who are not afraid to stand up and be counted as the true prophets & seers of our times.

I highly recommend this book.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Movie Trailer for Glenn Langohr's Prison Book, "The Art of War"

FREE Sample, Purchase the Audio Book here~ Also available in Print and Kindle. Glenn Langohr spent 10 years in California prisons on drug charges, with 4 years in Solitary. He turned that into writing time. Now he is a best selling author and producer. He wants to show the world that God can turn lives around.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Glenn Langohr Speaks Out About the California Prison Hunger Strike

Glenn Langohr Speaks Out About the California Prison Hunger Strike.

The Prisons I lived in for 10 years couldn't contain me! I wrote books that shine a light on life behind bars. Check out FREE samples of the Audio Books here~ All my books are available in Print or Kindle for immediate download. God Bless You!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Crime Will Go Up Says Prison Author Glenn Langohr

1)    As most of your readers already know, you've spent some time in prison but have now turned your life around.  Can you tell us what happened to land you there and how your change/rehabilitation came about?
Two good parents raised me, but they divorced when I was 12 years old. Being a momma’s boy, I was broken hearted when I didn’t go with her. I called my dad out for ruining everything and that didn’t work out well for me. I ran away. I got into selling drugs. The law interrupted me, many times.

I spent 10 years in some of California’s worst prisons with 4 years in solitary confinement for riots and investigations.

The prison system didn’t rehabilitate me, writing did. California has 35 state prisons and they are violent and gang riddled. While “doing time” it is all about surviving. I started waking up at 4 am to write before surviving another possible riot took over my being. Eventually, I built up enough momentum writing books to know in my heart that I had a new life.

2)    You are obviously quite (rightly) dedicated to highlighting the plight of prisoners in the US correctional system (as well as the abuses therein).  Your personal experiences aside, anyone who has had dealings with it can understand why this is such an important cause to you but most people don't have any such experience. How would you respond to critics who would argue that prisoners get what they deserve ("do the crime, do the time" types)?
First I would say that some crimes are worse than others. I think we are too easy on Child Molesters and Rapist. But, are we the “Leaders of the Free World”? No, we are the leaders of the incarcerated world. In California alone we have 35 state prisons that are bursting at the seams, with more people behind bars than any other country other than China! Why? Because we are locking humans in prison who are addicted to drugs, or who are below the poverty level, and therefore undesirable. That could be your kid, your mother, and your neighbor.

In prison, that addiction is bred into an affliction much harder to escape, where gangs are the solution, spitting out tattooed down displaced humans without any job placement or anywhere to live.

So really, most of the prisoners are not getting what they deserve, because we look at drug addiction like alcoholism these days, like a disease. They need treatment, not prison. I am working on adapting one of my books, “My Hardest Step” into a TV show about Addiction and Recovery. One of the girls who did a casting call has been to prison. It didn’t help. A drug treatment center did work. She has been sober for over 2 years and has her son back in her life.

3)    What do you see as the way forward in terms of prison reform?  How does this come out in your books?
Prison reform isn’t going to happen until there isn’t enough tax money to keep the current system going. I’m just being real. The Politicians and Media promote the need for prisons to keep the rest of us safe. To get elected, you have to be “tough on crime”. To stay elected, you have to be “tough on crime”. This starts with the D.A. In one of my “High Profile” drug cases, the head D.A. at the time had aspirations to become the Attorney General for the U.S. and for that to even be a possibility, he couldn’t look weak on crime, so he made sure he had a 99% conviction record. Ten years later, his son is doing time for heroin addiction.

My books take you inside of prison survival between the gangs and politics and what life looks like “Inside”.

If real prison reform were to happen, it would have to be extreme. How about work programs instead of prison? How about prisoners actually learning how to get a job while in prison with computer training, resume training, job placement, housing placement and a real chance upon release?

How about only sending people to prison for violent crimes and giving the rest programs for treatment and self-help?

4)    It is also clear that you are a man of faith.  What role has that faith played in your work?  How does it come out in your characters?  How is it part of your ideas for reforming the prison system?
Thank you for bringing this up. I read the Bible in prison every day and found hope that God restores the hopeless.

My characters are divided into two groups, those who are trying to find their conscience, and those who aren’t, with a good cop verses bad cop theme as well.

In my books, my main character chases redemption by knowing he has to help other lost souls find hope and a new life away from prison and the drug war, yet just surviving takes almost all of his attention.

5)    How have you been able to partner your efforts with research and/or faith-based organizations to spread the word on your mission?
Not that well. The church I attend is amazing because of a few things. The worship band it out of this world. Our teaching Pastor is amazing also. He loves my books. But they and most churches don’t want to face their own issues, drug addiction in their family and their community.

My writing has progressed from 10-Drug War and Prison books that are in Print, Kindle and Audio Book, to 4 Prayer Books, to my most recent self help books. “My Hardest Step” is based on the Twelve Step Programs.

My best selling Prison Book is Underdog found here~ 

6)    Most, if not all, of your books are based on real-life events.  How much did you write while you were still in prison?  How do you deal with the possibility of getting sued by people who may recognize themselves, particularly the more well-known you and your work become?
I wrote my first book, Roll Call, in prison for 7 years on the back of my trial transcript paperwork. Once out of prison I turned down a couple of big publishers to self publish. I got a review from Kirkus Discoveries Nielson Media out of New York that blew my mind, “A harrowing, down-and-dirty depiction--sometimes reminiscent of Steven Soderbergh's Traffic--of America's war on drugs, by former dealer and California artist Langohr. Locked up for a decade on drugs charges and immersed in both philosophical tomes and modern pulp thrillers…”

As for being sued for writing such raw and penetrating content, I use this quote in TV interviews: “I paint with the true colors of life on a fictional landscape to protect the innocent and the not so innocent.”

My newest Prison book, “The Art of War: A Memoir of Life in Prison, is the most controversial yet. While I was finishing up my sentence at a hard-core prison on the California border of Mexico, there was so much violence, you just wouldn’t believe half of it. Being a White inmate where over 80% of the population is Mexican or Black, it wasn’t easy. We had a prison guard who gave us information about other inmates, one of which was a notorious “Child Molester”. You’ll have to read the book to see what happened. It is on sale for .99 for Kindle here~

7)  What one thing you would like for our readers to know about you?  Your work? Jesus is my landlord. I got that quote from a homeless woman who told it to the police who were harassing her for living in her car. They stopped dead in their tracks and let her go. I used that quote in one of my books. God bless you.

Here’s a six-minute TV Interview I did about my books and prison life.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Former Prisoner Glenn Langohr Explains Why He is an Expert on the Hunger Strike

Glenn Langohr spent 10 years in California Prisons on drug charges, with 4 years in Solitary Confinement, before becoming a best selling author.

[[ASIN:B00BFMK2PK Caught in The CrossFire: A Memoir of Life in Lockdown with Serial Killers, Mobsters and Gang Bangers]] Top Rated in Crime Memoirs, 10 Five Stars, .99 for kindle or 6.97 in Audio Book

[[ASIN:1439246084 Roll Call: A True Prison Story of Corruption and Redemption]] "A Harrowing, down-and-dirty depiction of the U.S. War on Drugs." Kirkus Discoveries 2.99 for kindle, 16.97 in Print or 21.47 in Audio Book

[[ASIN:B005G5YMTE Race Riot, A Shocking, Inside Look at Prison Life (Prison Killers- Book 1)]] A novella about Prison Life, 40 Reviews with a 4.0 rating, .99 for kindle, 7.99 in Print or 6.97 in Audio Book.

[[ASIN:B005NKQSM6 Gladiator: A Shocking, True Crime Story into the Most Notorious Super Max Prison (Prison Killers- Book 3)]] A novella about Prison life where the guards stage gang wars, .99 for kindle.

[[ASIN:B007D62AP2 UNDERDOG, A True Crime Thriller of Prison Life (Prison Killers- Book 4)]] A blockbuster that shines a light on the "Hunger Strike" in the news for human rights, 54 reviews with a 4.4 rating, .99 for kindle or 9.99 in Print or 6.97 in Audio book.

[[ASIN:B009K7IGOQ Prison Riot, A True Crime Story of Surviving a Gang War in Prison (Prison Killers- Book 5)]] Featured on TV in a PBS Interview, Glenn Langohr was labeled a Mexican Gangster for being one of the only White inmates involved in a Mexican Gang War, .99 for kindle.